Ortograffiti Method
While realizing the curriculum, we support our students who have difficulties with learning to read, write, spell and specific difficulties with learning mathematics. Since the school year 2013/2014, we have been using the Ortografitti method. For each student, an individual approach is used according to his or her needs.
Ortograffiti is a practical method realized by:
systematically repeating activities according to a specific outline,
simultaneously applying the following activities which develop the following functions: visuospatial, auditory-linguistic, tactile-kinesthetic and motor skills,
engaging in the process of learning senses: sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell.
Effects of implementing the Ortograffiti Method:
higher efficiency of the following functions: visuospatial, auditory-linguistic and motor skills,
improvement of reading fluency,
reinforcement of spelling rules,
creation of skills which enable reading with understanding,
development of writing and speaking skills,
significant improvement of graphic and orthographic skills,
development of language and counting skills,
increased motivation to learn.