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WARSAW BILINGUAL SCHOOL Dwujęzyczna Szkoła Podstawowa im. Profesora Władysława Bartoszewskiego (run by TĘCZOWY OGRÓD sp. z o.o.) is a place for children at the age of 6-14 years old. The school is dedicated to children who are beginning their education or who want to change their school. Lessons are conducted in English and Polish, opening children to the world, other languages and cultures.



Children’s well- being is our main focus. We prepare our students  to succeed and to overcome difficulties. We provide comprehensive education,  giving children a chance to develop according to their talents, interests, and intellectual abilities. We offer bilingual education, allowing our students to develop abilities to learn and think in two languages, Polish and English. We take care of our students’  needs such as safety, love, friendship, self- discovery and self-realization.

About us


Our students  learn how to speak, think and communicate in English. They acquire creative thinking skills which help them  function in a multicultural society.



Our students develop strategies for learning foreign languages and they expand their competence in English. The English language is equally important as Polish and they are both used as communicational and interactive tools at school.


The World

Our graduates are young people , living in integrated Europe. They are tolerant to other cultures and traditions.

We would like to invite graduates of our kindergarten, English speaking

children and as well as children who would like to be educated bilingually with

the help of our experienced staff, to our bilingual primary school.

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